Friday, May 15, 2009


I run into a bit of trouble when explaining this project to people. I will be spending a significant amount of time in every continent except for Australia, and my reasons sometimes don't mean a lot without knowing more.

Photo courtesy of

Originally when I drew this plan out, I would take my first cargo ship from the west coast to New Zealand or Australia. I soon learned that there was no passenger ferry service between these two countries, and even more detrimental to my plans, nothing between mainland Australia and Indonesia or other points in Southeast Asia. I would be relying on sheer chance once I arrived in Oz, hoping that another cargo ship would be departing for Jakarta or Singapore. Those routes are less frequent than trans-Pacific shipping lanes, and never scheduled more than a couple weeks in advance. This could mean anything from a two week to three month wait to board the next vessel, all of which would be traveling from Sydney or Melbourne, also my point of entry.

For a project about movement, I decided that traveling through Australia and returning to my point of origin rather than to the north of the island or another place to catch a boat would be possibly too time consuming, and altogether counter-productive to my idea. There will be many unknowns and detours along the way I am sure, but I do not have the budget to stay a possible three months in a relatively expensive country in what would amount to a stall in my movement.

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